New website and limited special offer

May 21, 2024

We are thrilled to announce the launch of our redesigned site, which includes a slick new look, redesigned profile pages, impact certificates and marketing tools. We have also been talking with brands and their customers while continuing to build on the base platform to offer more integrated services, better tools for sharing your climate action journey and simplified management tools to contribute.

And we need your help!

First, what is PocketSeed?

PocketSeed is a platform that enables businesses to activate products and services to be a catalyst for positive climate action. You pick what and how you want to activate your products or services. It could be a few special products, a % off every purchase from your business, or a monthly contribution target, it’s up to you, and by doing this it allows your customers to actively contribute to climate action by simply purchasing your products.

We will track your contributions on your personalized brand impact profile, create certificates every time you contribute and provide a set of tools to help share your journey, from badges to live counters for your website to help share your great work with your customers.

The special offer

In order to make this the best platform we can, we are offering a very limited discount for a few early adopters who sign up, test and give feedback on how we can continue to improve the service.

We are currently waiving all sign-up fees and including $100 of contributions included to get you started on your journey for free! You will get an impact profile, impact certificate, access to badges and QR codes and free marketing on our socials.

The $100 will contribute to planting Kelp, restoring Australia’s coastlines and contribute to CO2 removal from the atmosphere. You can use this contribution as your first marketing campaign for whatever you like.

For example, how does contributing $1 dollar for the next 100 customer purchases sound?

Pretty good right?

What do I need to do?

That’s the easy part, simply head to PocketSeed — Contact Us and fill out the form, we will get back to shortly with some details on how it all works and next steps.

Feel free to reach out to the team if you have any questions. We are always happy to help!

Some last notes:

  • The offer is very limited and won’t last long.
  • If accepted, we would greatly appreciate you giving us some time to chat about your experience, thoughts on climate action and how we can improve our services in the future.
  • And we hope you will continue to support positive climate action in the future, as it’s up to all of us to leave a positive impact on the future.

Let’s chat!

Interested in making an impact?

PocketSeed is a platform that makes it easy for businesses to integrate climate action into their products and services and share the journey with customers.

Contact us to learn more today.