Canopy Blue

Underwater forests are crucial ecosystems, vital for biodiversity, water quality improvement, and carbon sequestration. Despite their importance, the degradation of kelp forests has received less attention compared to terrestrial deforestation. Canopy Blue has been at the forefront of reversing this trend in Western Australia, where significant kelp loss has occurred.

Project Name: Western Australia Kelp Restoration

Project Area: Between Jurien Bay and Kalbarri, Western Australia

Partnership: Canopy Blue and The University of Western Australia

SDGs Supported:

About Canopy blue

Kelp forests, the underwater equivalents of terrestrial forests, are vital for biodiversity, water quality, and carbon sequestration. In Western Australia, significant kelp loss has spurred Canopy Blue and The University of Western Australia to pioneer restoration efforts to reverse this trend.

Project Highlights
Innovative Restoration: Utilizing green gravel technology to enhance the scalability of kelp reforestation.

Carbon Credits: Creation and sale of Kelp Reforestation Credits to fund and expand restoration efforts.

Global Impact: Aiming to restore millions of hectares worldwide, increasing CO2 drawdown and supporting biodiversity and food security.

Goals and Impact
Restore Lost Kelp Forests: Targeting vast areas affected by the 2011 heatwave and beyond.

Biodiversity Support: Re-establishing kelp forests to bolster marine biodiversity and ecosystem health.

Climate Change Mitigation: Enhancing carbon sequestration capacities to combat climate change.

The Challenge

Kelp forests are facing threats from climate change, pollution, and physical destruction, with a global loss rate of 1.8% per year. About 3 million hectares need restoration annually to keep pace with these declines.

The Need for restoration

With rapid growth rates—kelp can reach full biomass within just two years—restoring kelpforests is not just feasible but imperative. They are critical for maintaining marine biodiversity and offering ecosystem services akin to those provided by coral reefs and tropical rainforests.

Benefits of Kelp forests

Biodiversity Hotspot: Kelp forests create complex habitats that support a high level of marine biodiversity.
Carbon Sequestration: Kelp absorbs inorganic carbon from the water, aiding in climate change mitigation.
Ecosystem Services: Identified as providing critical services across 14 of the 18 categories of nature’s contributions to people, including climate regulation and supporting fisheries.

The approach

Following the catastrophic 2011 marine heatwave, our partnership has been using the "green gravel" method. This involves small limestone pebbles coated with young kelp spores, deployed in denuded areas to jumpstart regrowth.

why green gravel

Efficiency: Mass cultivation of kelp spores in controlled environments ensures higher survival rates.

Scalability: Simplifies the deployment process, covering vast areas more rapidly.

Cost-Effectiveness: Reduces costs by minimizing labor-intensive processes.

Adaptability: Tailored to different marine environments to ensure successful restoration.

Join us

PocketSeed and Canopy Blue are committed to making large-scale kelp forest restoration a reality. By investing in Kelp Reforestation, you can directly contribute to the sustainability of our planet. Help us restore these vital ecosystems and combat climate change.